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 » Marriage » Abrahan Lincoln And Marry Tod Wedding Photos
Abrahan Lincoln And Marry Tod Wedding Photos
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Abrahan Lincoln And Marry Tod Wedding Photos
Late in 1836, Lincoln agreed to a match with Mary if she returned to New Salem. Mary did return in November 1836, and Abrahan Lincoln courted her for a time; however, they both had second thoughts about their relationship. On August 16, 1837, Lincoln wrote Mary a letter suggesting he would not blame her if she ended the relationship. She never replied and the courtship ended.In 1840, Lincoln became engaged to Mary Todd, who was from a wealthy slave-holding family in Lexington, Kentucky.They met in Springfield, Illinois, in December 1839 and were engaged the following December.A wedding set for January 1, 1841, was canceled when the two broke off their engagement at Lincoln's initiative. They later met again at a party and married on November 4, 1842, in the Springfield mansion of Mary's married sister.While preparing for the nuptials and feeling anxiety again, Lincoln, when asked where he was going, replied, To hell, I suppose.
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Late in 1836, Lincoln agreed to a match with Mary if she returned to New Salem. Mary did return in November 1836, and Abrahan Lincoln courted her for a time; however, they both had second thoughts about their relationship. On August 16, 1837, Lincoln wrote Mary a letter suggesting he would not blame her if she ended the relationship. She never replied and the courtship ended.In 1840, Lincoln became engaged to Mary Todd, who was from a wealthy slave-holding family in Lexington, Kentucky.They met in Springfield, Illinois, in December 1839 and were engaged the following December.A wedding set for January 1, 1841, was canceled when the two broke off their engagement at Lincoln's initiative. They later met again at a party and married on November 4, 1842, in the Springfield mansion of Mary's married sister.While preparing for the nuptials and feeling anxiety again, Lincoln, when asked where he was going, replied, To hell, I suppose.
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